The Diocese of Virginia

Archive for May, 2009|Monthly archive page

Just Announced: Bishop Plans Pilgrimage to Jerusalem in 2010

In Uncategorized on May 27, 2009 at 7:57 pm

In February 2010, Bishop Johnston will be traveling on pilgrimage to Jerusalem with a small leadership delegation from the diocese. This will provide him the opportunity to reflect at the beginning of his ministry as bishop on the spiritual and historical significance of the Holy Land for Christians today, as well as to consider how the Diocese of Virginia might contribute to stability and peace in that place. The trip will include meeting religious and political leaders in the region to establish relationships and learn firsthand about the needs of the church in the Middle East.

Bishop Johnston will also take some time to join the Jerusalem Mile Project pilgrimage which will be traveling there at the same time. There are only 10 spaces left! More information, including a registration form, can be found on the Jerusalem Mile Project blog. The last date to register is November 10th.