The Diocese of Virginia

Archive for March, 2009|Monthly archive page

Pilgrimage to Jerusalem, 2010

In Uncategorized on March 31, 2009 at 6:18 pm

FEBRUARY 22 – MARCH 11, 2010

Parishioners from the Diocese of Virginia will be traveling together on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem and the surrounding region. We will be hosted and led by the staff at St. George’s College and participating in the Palestine of Jesus course.

Space is limited to 32 people. The above dates include travel days. The total cost of the course is $3,900, which includes airfare, lodging, all meals and in-country travel, course fees, and entrance fees. If you would like to join us, download the REGISTRATION FORM, print and send it with a $400 deposit to the Diocese of Virginia.

For detailed information see the Pilgrimage page (at the top).